Wednesday 29 January 2014

Robert Munsch Books

Robert Munsch is probably the best known children's author in Canada!  He has written books and our class is working on reading or hearing them all this month.

His website is a great place to go to hear all his books read aloud - by him!  We also have many of them on the MP3 players in our classroom to listen to.

Did you know that our teacher met Robert Munsch?  He and his daughter came to Sinclair School in 1993 when she worked there.  One of her students wrote a letter to him and told him the names of all of the cats on her farm.  He took that idea and made it into a crazy story.  Then he asked if he could come to visit and meet her and her family, and her cats.  This story was never published into a book, at least not yet!
Here is a photo from back then.  Do you recognize anyone in the picture?  One of these "kids" now has a daughter in Grade 1 at our school and another one has a son in Kindergarten.  Time flies!

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