Thursday 15 January 2015

Telling Time

Happy New Year!  We started the new year off in Grade 2-3 with a study of Time Measurement.  We discussed vocabulary words like decade, century, and millennium as well as learning about the concets of seconds, minutes and hours.  Calendar time is also an important skill in Grade 2-3 and we practiced saying the months of the year and the days of the week. Reading books about it is one way that we are working on being able to tell time. 

We have a board game that is popular with the students  to match the digital time to the analog time and get to the end first.  We also have BINGO games that make being able to use a hand clock something everyone wants to learn!
Our classroom has various other materials and manipulatives that students can do on their own or with a partner or small group.  Technology also plays a part - we have activities on Mathletics and some IPad apps that help us practice and get immediate feedback if we are correct or not.
We have flashcards and flip books as well and with lots of practice, we are starting to understand clock time.  It can be a tricky thing to learn and it seems easy to forget without continual review and practice.  Our calendar helper needs to record the clock time each day during the Smartboard calendar activities and extra review and practice at home would be a good thing!

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